Welcome to Our Neighborhood We Call
Fernandina Flockers

Below are other Flocker contacts for your convenience, click on their name to shoot them a note:
AED & First Responders –Paul Nittel
Billiards Pool Games Weekly –Dave Kozak
Bocce Ball Games Weekly –George Ortiz
Book Club Monthly –Julie & Bev
Bowling –TBA
Cards & Games Monthly –Karen Ambrum
Couples Golf Saturday’s –Chuck Galloway
Dine Around Monthly –Chuck Galloway
Driveway Parties Monthly –Marge Frankenberger
Garage Sales Annual –Lynda Gauger
Golf Scramble Annual –Rich Jarmusik
Ladies Coloring for Adults –Kathie Mogensen
Ladies Golf Weekly –Ann Fairaizl
Lady Flockers Group –Shelley Lipsky
Men’s Breakfast Weekly –Steve Brown
Neighbor Welcoming Committee –Carol Galloway
President & Founder –Marge Frankenberger
Shuffleboard Games –Amy Dunigan
Social Events Monthly –Marge Frankenberger
Webmaster –Lou Gyenese